Thursday, August 02, 2007

Simple Truths

I got a fortune from 'Estrella' last night at the Santa Monica Pier- she said, amongst other things, that 'you are fond of gay music'.

Ok, I admit, I do like Disco. Jeez...


erat said...

Is David Bowie music still considered gay? Did I just date myself by asking that question?

I loves da Bowie guy's tunes, that's fer sher.

Hyperion said...

It's not like anyone else would date you....

(sorry, but the opportunity to use Dogbert's line was too good to pass up)

As for gayest music, was she speaking literally (as in you like music that makes people gay), literally by avatar (as in you like music performed by gay people), existentially (as in you like music that gay people enjoy) or negatively (as in you like music that's so lame it's gay)???

These things matter.

Schrodinger's Kitten said...

erat - I saw Bowie in that dating me?

Hypey - I think she was saying YOU were gay. Yep, I think that's it.