I guess it makes me feel less incompetent that I can't find someone either.
From e-harmony..." Unfortunately, we are not able to make our profiles work for you. Our matching model could not accurately predict with whom you would be best matched. This occurs for about 20% of potential users, so 1 in 5 people simply will not benefit from our service. We hope that you understand, and we regret our inability to provide service for you at this time. "
It means you're more special!
I suspect this has more to do with their service than your matchability.
Unless, of course, you have "torso collector" or some other nonsense in your profile, in which case I'd suggest finding an image consultant. Or two. With torsos you don't care to collect. Just a thought.
Ouch. I'm not sure whether to be impressed that eHarmony didn't try to fix you up anyway just so you'd pay for their service (how ethical of them)...or to congratulate you because I'm not sure you're looking for an eHarmony kind of guy in the first place.
In retrospect (and I'm NOT judging, but maybe you shouldn't have told them about the dead hookers and the parachute pants.
I'm just sayin'.....
Ouch. I agree with Tracy. You're more special and not like special bus, special.
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